Raising Womxn Voices

Inuka Women Foundation envisions a Rwenzori Region where womxn  thrive in a society that embraces diversity, equality, and empowerment.

Inuka Women Foundation Values;

Equality, justice and non Discrimination

Integrity, Transparency and Accountability

Networking and collaboration

Teamwork and Oneness

We belive in;

Making all womxn in their diversity feel safe, respected, accepted and included in physically, socially, economically and politically.

Our Programs

Research and Advocacy



Sexual And Reproductive Health Rights

Sanitary and Menstrual Hygiene.

Medical Referrals.
GBV survivors Emergency Response. 
Legal Aid and Referrals. 

Mental Wellness

Counselling and Psychosocial Support. 

Collective Healing and Support Groups.
Self and personal Defence Skills trainings.

Economic Development

Skills development. 

Crafts making.

Raising WomXn's Voices